the party of government

During the Covid pandemic many restrictions and curfews were placed on the British public - lockdown measures designed to protect us from catching the disease.

However, Boris Johnson and his government frequently broke their own lockdown rules and acted above the law on many occasions.

The night before the Queen sat alone at the funeral of her husband, Johnson did not stop a drunken party taking place at Number 10. His lack of respect for others typified his premiership.

Johnson and his wife were eventually fined for hosting parties at Number 10 in what quickly became known as Partygate – the scandal that led to his resignation as Prime Minister on 7 July 2022.

This artwork highlights the hypocrisy of the Tory party, which has traditionally been called ‘the party of government’.

Pink elephants (noun informal) Hallucinations supposedly typical of those experienced by a person who is drunk. Oxford Dictionary

The Party of Government, 2022, 300 x 300 x 70 mm